"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul." -Anonymus
I was absolutely stunned when I was reading this quote. I could tell because I think I might have stopped breathing as I was reading it the first time. I had to add words, phrases, and quotes into a prezi I made. So, I decided to look for inspiration on google. I typed in "Music quotes" This site popped up and had bunches and bunches of quotes. I picked the one that was the longest; and so I saw this wonderful quote and think I must have fallen in love with it. "Music speaks what cannot be expressed.." this means that music is a language all in itself. Figuratively and litterally, it is a language that you have to learn. It's litterally a language because it's a series of dots, lines, symbols, and random words in Italian. It all has to be in sync with the instrument you're playing which takes time and practice. Figuratively, music is a language because it be expressed and taken into perspective in so many ways by so many different people.
"...soothes the mind and gives it rest.." this means that music can be an escape from this crazy, messed up world that we're living in today. I know when I am so stressed from homework and school all day, I immediately go straight to my piano and start playing. I release everything into what I'm playing. All my emotions speak through what I play. It calms me. It comforts me. It tells me that I am still here and I have to get on with my life.
"...heals the heart and makes it whole..." this means that when you're suffering through a difficult time in your life, music can always make it a little better. When your boyfriend/girlfriend dumped you, go play your iPod. When your grandmom's in the hospital, go sing her a tune. It will not onyl heal your heart, but can heal others' hearts as well. Another aspect I found when I saw this part of the quote is when someone bad, like a thief or a murderer, listens to music, they might turn good. It's like all they really needed was this song to "speak" to them. It could have given them a change of heart. It could trigger all those happy memories that were somehow clouded in all this anger and revenge. Music could ultimately, "fix" someone's sad, lonely, messed up heart.
"...flows from heaven to the soul..." I believe this quote says that music is something wonderful that came from heaven and is given out to the earth, through someone's soul and passion for music. The melody of the music and the tones and pitches, when put together, make something as beautiful as if it came from heaven. Music does come from the soul. It comes out through all these different instruments and voices.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Book Review 3- Spirit Bound by: Rachel Mead

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Danica A.
English I
Mr. Williams
Book Review 3- Spirit Bound
I loved everything this book had. I loved the content, I loved the ending, I loved every little part in the story. It did not get me bored out of my mind, it gave me the romance that I craved for, and it always had a surprise waiting at every corner. It's like getting candy from Halloween; it just gets better and better. These are the reasons why I gave it a 5 out of 5 and the reason I would definitely recommend this book.
To begin with, the book was very entertaining and kept my mind occupied. It never bore me, which is always a plus when reading a book. The main character's personality kept things new and intersting. HEr comedic side of the story was always entertaining. In one part of the book, she said, "He has no right to threaten my boyfriends. I'm eighteen. An adult. I don't need his help. I can threaten my boyfriends myself." I love it when the main character always had some retort to say to anyone who annoyed her.
Secondly, the romance in this book was through the roof. It had multiple couples suffereing their break-ups, their make-ups, and the akward "just friends" phase they go through in the middle. The emotion behind the story was so powerful, I cried when they cried. I got angry when they got angry. And it always got me saying "Awhh! How sweet!" throughout the whole book. An example of when I cried in this book was when the main charcter's ex-boyfriend tells her, "I gave up on you. Love fades. Mine has." This was a very big milestone in the story because this was who the story was moslty about. And without this guy, there would be no story.
Lastly, Spirit Bound always had a surprise in every chapter. That's probably why I got through this whole book so fast. I must have read 10 chapters in a single- reading. When your ex-boyfriend's an evil vampire who hunts you down, when you and your best friend go on a quest to find a cure for "turning good" again, and when you get tried for a murder you never committed, these are the kinds of things that would make you go "Oh my gosh did that just happen?"
Spirit Bound was an awesome book that never got you bored, always had that mushy side for those of you that love that romance stuff, and it had so many suprising twists and turns throughout the novle. For these reasons, I gave this book a 5 out of 5 , and the reason I would definite recommend this book.
View all my reviews
Friday, November 19, 2010
Meaningful Quotes #2
"The best proof of love is trust."
-Dr. Joyce Brothers
I believe this quote means that to know if the person you love is the real deal, you must have their trust and they mst trust in you, or it wont work.
-Dr. Joyce Brothers
I believe this quote means that to know if the person you love is the real deal, you must have their trust and they mst trust in you, or it wont work.
Meaningful Quotes #1
"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood."
-Helen Keller
Me and my couin were actually pondering about this at 12:08 AM. I needed a blogpost and this is what we found.
I thinks this quote means that in order to get the most out of life, you need to understand it and live it firsthand. Another explanation was that life is meaningless and worthless unless you learn the lessons you need?
-Helen Keller
Me and my couin were actually pondering about this at 12:08 AM. I needed a blogpost and this is what we found.
I thinks this quote means that in order to get the most out of life, you need to understand it and live it firsthand. Another explanation was that life is meaningless and worthless unless you learn the lessons you need?
I'm 15!......already?
Now that I think about, I'm half way there to 30! D: NOO! Not that there's anything wrong with being 30..... but, us teens don't like to think of ourselves as, getting old. I don't want to grow up matter of fact. If we could live our whole life, stuck in the age you desire, I would love to turn back to when I was happiest. I don't want anything to change. I'd like new experiences, but I don't want to change. But the sad part is, you kind of have to. So far, I hated being 14 because a lot of things have changed. Some good, some bad. I got to meet these amazing people, I got to say goodbye to the ones I had before. I got to go to an amazing program, I got a lot more to do. And I thought being 13 was going to be hard. Bottom line: I wish genies and fairy godmothers existed. Say goodbye to another year, say hello to a new one.
Maroon 5: Misery Review
OH MY GOSH I LVOE THIS BAND SO MUCH. I really do. Their music is real and so "like" their past styles of music. They have never changed their style of music and I want it to stay that way. Maybe that's why they're so popular in the charts today. Their music has so much passion and feeling into it, you can just drown in it. You can tell it's so natural for them to sing through their instruments.
Misery- Maroon 5 Song Review
Well, obviously in this song, he nmisses his girl so much. You can tell because he's apparently in "misery". She obviously doesn't want him back, and will do anything to get her back. So, that covers the whole meaning of the song. This song was the bomb at first when it came out. Then after multiple radio stations starting laying this over, and over again, it just got plain annoying. It has an infectious beat that I love so much. I LOVE Adam Levine's voice too. The way he sings is so distinguishable because you can tell right away the way his voice sounds that it's the singer from Maroon 5! This song makes me want to dance. That's exactly my type of song that I want. The kinds that make you want to swing your head side to side, make your feet tap up and down, and make your eyes close to emphasize how much you love the song.
Misery- Maroon 5 Song Review
Well, obviously in this song, he nmisses his girl so much. You can tell because he's apparently in "misery". She obviously doesn't want him back, and will do anything to get her back. So, that covers the whole meaning of the song. This song was the bomb at first when it came out. Then after multiple radio stations starting laying this over, and over again, it just got plain annoying. It has an infectious beat that I love so much. I LOVE Adam Levine's voice too. The way he sings is so distinguishable because you can tell right away the way his voice sounds that it's the singer from Maroon 5! This song makes me want to dance. That's exactly my type of song that I want. The kinds that make you want to swing your head side to side, make your feet tap up and down, and make your eyes close to emphasize how much you love the song.
Funny Words to Say
those who read too much.
a toilet or outhouse
an unnecessary activity or wasteful expenditure.
enormous, immense.
cheap and showy but inferior and worthless.
given to, characterized by, or suffering from gross excess in eating and drinking.
the study of growth rings on trees.
employee or assistant who does just about everything.
meaningless chatter; also, deceptive language.
windy gibberish or jargon.
an old term for bagpipe!
to mortgage something
a slang term used for money back then
those who read too much.
a toilet or outhouse
an unnecessary activity or wasteful expenditure.
enormous, immense.
cheap and showy but inferior and worthless.
given to, characterized by, or suffering from gross excess in eating and drinking.
the study of growth rings on trees.
employee or assistant who does just about everything.
meaningless chatter; also, deceptive language.
windy gibberish or jargon.
an old term for bagpipe!
to mortgage something
a slang term used for money back then
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Book Review: 2 Mockingjay- by: Suzanne Collins

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Danica A.
English I
Mr. Williams
Book Review 3
Mockingjay- by: Suzanne Collins
This book was an okay book. It didn’t really have any appeal compared to the first one in the same series. In fact, it was kind of disappointing. I give this book a 2 out of 5. Imagine you saw a commercial for this cereal that had a special surprise inside. that will get you the toy that you’ve been waiting for. And then, when you dig into the box looking for it, only to find out it’s a coupon for 10% off the prize you saw on the commercial. You see how it’s kind of good, kind of bad? It was just like the book. It had some humor, it was too gory, and it was too depressing.
To start off, this book had some funny parts that kind of made you smile. It livened up the book. Even though it can't make up the cons of reading this book, it still made me smile. In one part of the book Katniss's friend Finnick says this, "’Finnick?’ I say. ‘Maybe some pants?’ He looks down at his legs as if noticing his outfit for the first time. Then he whips off his hospital gown, leaving him in just his underwear. ‘Why? Do you find this’--he strikes a ridiculously provocative pose--’distracting?’” This was very important for the story because it shows that the psychological damage he had received is slowly ebbing away. That means he could fight for the revolution again.
Secondly, there were some pretty graphic things that were going on in that book. The author described it in so much detail, that it kind of made me sick. It had her trainer step on a mine bomb that went off and blew his leg off. I could not get the image out of my head. Next, there was another one of her friends working with her on a mission that got trapped in a net full of spikes. That was just unbearable to even think.
In addition, this book was depressing. Every chapter always kind of got really depressing and sad. The beginning and the ending were the only parts of the book I remember that were not sad at all. One of the chapter had the main character’s younger sister go off to help kids and then it turns out that the place was rigged with bombs and she was inside. "She's really gone, then. The little girl with the back of her shirt sticking out like a duck tail," Katniss says this after seeing what happened. Another one had her best friend practically leave her at the end. She got married and he went off to serve in the army. When her mom left to be a nurse, that was very sad too because imagine having your mom all the way in Australia and you’re in Connecticut.
The book Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins did not appeal to me as much as I had expected it to. This book was a disappointment and I would not recommend it to anyone. I give this book a 2 out 5. Mockingjay had some humor in it, it was too graphic, and too depressing.
View all my reviews
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My Attempt at Poetry numero uno!
Her First Time Heart-broken :(
I'm holding it in
this feeling's the worst.
My heart is pounding
it's about to burst.
Now that it's done,
sadness had sprung.
The moment's gone
and it's a bright new dawn.
My eyes are swollen
my brain's stolen.
I walk through the day,
all is gray.
He broke my heart
I need a fresh start.
But I will never forget,
it's 'bout time to reset.
The scars are still there,
because it was caught in a snare.
I'll never look back,
but who could compare?
Sunday, October 24, 2010
How many hours do you think you spend on the internet? You'd be surprised to see how long people really do spend on here. Researchers say that teens spend on average 31 hours a week on the computer. That's about 4 hours a day! I am not one of those teens. I spend at most an hour on the internet. The numbers have been increasing ever since Facebook, twitter and YouTube have dominated the internet world. However, teens also get their homework help from the internet.
Can you believe almost 25 years ago, internet was a dream come true? No one thought an idea like this would ever happen. Was internet a good thing for us or a bad thing? Others may say it opens to a whole new world of possibilities and opportunities that we could never achieve without the internet. The other side thinks it will just ruin the foundation that we have built up our whole lives.
Pros of the Internet:
- Information is available on the internet 24/7. Libraries can close early and you have to scan for books.
- There are many new jobs that opened up because of the internet.
- Businesses and franchises are at ease when they store their information into documents on the computer where they can never be lost.
- It entertains us!
- You can see your family members and video chat with them even if they're half-way across the pacific ocean.
Cons of the Internet
- Researchers say that teens aren't getting the social needs they get from meeting people face to face. They start to become accustomed to talking with them online.
- Teens are always letting out their information on the web.
- Teens and adults have become more obese because they spend to much time on the internet.
- Teens and adults don't get their daily Vitamin D outside that they need.
- Your safety is compromised whenever you have online banking.
- Safety is also compromised when you have a Facebook or Twitter and have your picture out there.
I don't really know whether or not the internet was a blessing or a curse on us. I guess it's how you decide to use that's really important. The internet is a big responsibility. You either ruin your life with it, or you can open up to all it has to offer.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I Love.. I Hate..
I love the color green. I love how I hadn't once changed my favorite color. I love how it's so bright and colorful. I love how it brightens up anything. I love how it never will get dull. I love that it can brighten my day. I hate that I don't have a green room anymore.
I love York Peppermint Patties. I love how you feel so refreshed whenever you eat one. I love the feeling you get when you drink water right after you eat one. I hate that my risk of diabetes goes up. I love how it's 70% less fat than the leading chocolate brands!
I love going to the mall. I love that you get to see the new trends and styles out today. I love how it can help you bond with anyone. I love it when you meet your friends at the mall. I love it when you find something on sale and buy it before anyone else does. I love the feeling you get when you find out the last pair of shoes are in your size! I hate that feeling when you don't buy anything from the mall.
I love my family. I love how we can't see each other at the same time for days and still have that bond between us. I love how close we are to each other. I love we can laugh about each other and not get offended! I hate that they get on your nerves sometimes.
I love T.V. I love that it entertains you. I love that the shows you watch in it are funny. I hate that you watch it so much that you get fat.
I love the music they play in Hollister. I love how it get's you happy and makes you wanna dance. I love that they're so catchy. I love that it has some of my favorite bands on there. I hate how you can't see what's playing anymore :(
Most of all, I love it when you get those friends that always stay with you no matter what. I love you guys.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek was probably one of those movies where you think that it's a really bad, nerdy, and stupid movie to watch. I was once one those people. Now, I have changed.
This movie had it all. The Romance/a little comedy/ LOTS OF ACTION/and drama. It was baffling. The story starts out with Captain Kirk's dad. He was the commander of the ships. After being captured by a mysterious alien ship, the captain is forced out to meet with the leader. He gave his position to Commander Pike, who is now Captain Pike. After realizing that the captain was murdered, they had to open fire. It was hopeless and they were trapped. Everyone was to evacuate without him. It was the only way to save them. He fought them off while his pregnant wife ,who was about to give birth, was wheeled to the ship. Captain Kirk, who was a captain for only 12 minutes, saved 800 lives. Can you believe this was only the beginning?
Well, baby James Tiberious Kirk was born down in earth. Spock, who was just a little older than him, is being picked on because he is half human. Well, I will not go into the whole thing. It's just way to good to spoil. In the end James turns into one of the most famous Captains to lead.
All in all, it's a great movie to watch. Incredible. Amazing. Spectacular. One of the best movies to watch for anyone. You don't have to like Star Trek. I didn't at first. I rate it a 5 out of 5.
This movie had it all. The Romance/a little comedy/ LOTS OF ACTION/and drama. It was baffling. The story starts out with Captain Kirk's dad. He was the commander of the ships. After being captured by a mysterious alien ship, the captain is forced out to meet with the leader. He gave his position to Commander Pike, who is now Captain Pike. After realizing that the captain was murdered, they had to open fire. It was hopeless and they were trapped. Everyone was to evacuate without him. It was the only way to save them. He fought them off while his pregnant wife ,who was about to give birth, was wheeled to the ship. Captain Kirk, who was a captain for only 12 minutes, saved 800 lives. Can you believe this was only the beginning?
Well, baby James Tiberious Kirk was born down in earth. Spock, who was just a little older than him, is being picked on because he is half human. Well, I will not go into the whole thing. It's just way to good to spoil. In the end James turns into one of the most famous Captains to lead.
All in all, it's a great movie to watch. Incredible. Amazing. Spectacular. One of the best movies to watch for anyone. You don't have to like Star Trek. I didn't at first. I rate it a 5 out of 5.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Do You Ever Stop To Think?
I don't know why I randomly wanted to blog about this, but here goes.
Do you ever stop to think about the small things? The things you miss when you're rushing out the door? The things you miss when you drive in the car? The things you miss when you're coming home from soccer or work? Yeah those things. The flowers that bloom outside? The stars that are smothered by pollution and smog at night? The little fireflies that light up the night? Whoa, that could be a song right there. But anyways, it just those tiny little things in life that make it just right. Ever stop to notice your mom being so tired of cleaning and cooking and work and then cleaning and cooking then work? I consider myself observant. Being that I'm quiet and soak it all in. I like to observe those little details that others seem to miss. I notice the frown on someone's face when they're hiding it. I notice the tears that are waiting at the edge of the eyelids. I notice everything around me. I don't know why I do this though. Is it creepy? Weird? I don't know. And frankly, I don't care. Do people ever stop to think what a person goes through? Do they stop and think about what they just said? Do they stop and think about the consequences of their actions? Do they stop and think that this might hurt someone? It's the people that are like this that annoy me to no end. So,I kind of wanted to write about this because that's how people are today. Ignorant. Only some though, so it's still okay I guess. So in the future, stop and think about everything that's around you.
Do you ever stop to think about the small things? The things you miss when you're rushing out the door? The things you miss when you drive in the car? The things you miss when you're coming home from soccer or work? Yeah those things. The flowers that bloom outside? The stars that are smothered by pollution and smog at night? The little fireflies that light up the night? Whoa, that could be a song right there. But anyways, it just those tiny little things in life that make it just right. Ever stop to notice your mom being so tired of cleaning and cooking and work and then cleaning and cooking then work? I consider myself observant. Being that I'm quiet and soak it all in. I like to observe those little details that others seem to miss. I notice the frown on someone's face when they're hiding it. I notice the tears that are waiting at the edge of the eyelids. I notice everything around me. I don't know why I do this though. Is it creepy? Weird? I don't know. And frankly, I don't care. Do people ever stop to think what a person goes through? Do they stop and think about what they just said? Do they stop and think about the consequences of their actions? Do they stop and think that this might hurt someone? It's the people that are like this that annoy me to no end. So,I kind of wanted to write about this because that's how people are today. Ignorant. Only some though, so it's still okay I guess. So in the future, stop and think about everything that's around you.
Friday, October 15, 2010

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment- James Patterson
Where do I begin?
Well to start off, I was a bit skeptical about this book. It looked like it was a book made for boys. The title Maximum Ride gave me the impression that it was going to be the sci-fi type of book. I'm not the sci-fi genre type of person. I didn't like reading about fairies and wizards and out-of this-world creatures. I didn't want to hear about the Dogergenes from the planet Xenorson-Galactica and how they fought off a bunch of Muffenauts. I didn't like to read about wizards and witches who train in a school and get caught by dark, scary creatures and use the spell "Expeleeeeamus!" to fight them away. I absolutely hated them. But then, more and more people read it. More and more girls started reading it. I wondered and debated with myself if I should waste my time on this book. The next day I went to my school's library, picked out the book, checked it out, and then left.
The Beginning.
After reading the first chapter, I was like "Wow that was a short chapter!" It really was literally a 3 page chapter. I was beginning to like this book. The beginning immediately caught my attention. There was already a fight scene going on and I'm just soaking it all in. Max who was actually a GIRL(yay!), is the sole protector of her family after being abandoned by their guardian. They were actually human-avian; meaning they had wings. They were created by scientists in a lab in Cali. I still thought it was dull.
My Favorite Part!
After reading about all the details, things started picking up. The bad guys were introduced, kidnappings, the plotting of revenge. But my favorite part was when Max was actually battled the Erasers (bad guys) with sheer strength. I also loved the parts where Max and Fang started to find their true feelings for each other.
"In the dictionary, next to the word stress, there is a picture of a mid-size mutant stuck inside a dog crate, wondering if her destiny is to be killed or to save the world. Okay, not really. But there should be."
Max says this when her and the flock get caught by the scientists, whom they call the "Whitecoats", who had created them in the first place. They wanted Max and the rest of them to be experimented on because they had never had an experiment where it was successful. I love this quote because this shows how really comical this book is. This also brings out Max's witty character.
"I couldn’t leave Total behind.”
“Total?” Iggy asked.
“That’s what his card said,” Angel explained.
“Totally a mutant dog who will probably turn on us and kill us in our sleep,” Fang said.
This whole section of the book reveals where they are basically. This was when they were trying to look for their biological records, and to also find about their parents back at the lab where they were created from. They were just leaving when they found Total the talking dog. This was very significant because they added Total to the team.
Review/Rate Part
I absolutely adore this book. I haven't found a single book that got me as addicted as this one. I think that this book was perfect in every way. I love the comedy in it, the action it brought, the twists, the witty remarks, and all the adventures they embarked. The text was a little easy for me to read, so there wasn't really a challenge in reading it. I would give this book a 5 out of 5. I'd recommend this book for young adult
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My rating: 2 of 5 stars
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
by: Suzanne Collins
Finding Out About the Book
When the school year began, we already had to start reading books! I was worried because I had already read all the books I wanted to read. Gladly, we got to search for them and then pick 3 out. Turns out, I had A LOT of books I had wanted to read. I read the first book of the series in September. I absolutely LOVED IT. I just had to keep reading them. They were so similar to the Maximum Ride series.
What I Thought of It
I can't really explain it at all. My feelings for this book are so mixed up. At the end of the book, I kind of hated/liked it. It was so confusing. I hated it because I really didn't like that it centered mostly on Peeta and Katniss's relationship and how they want to stop a rebellion. What I liked was that there were a lot of surprises because they had to go through a second Hunger Games. Suzanne Collins should have stuck to the general idea of maybe having Peeta and Katniss in the second Hunger Games from the beginning. When they went to the second hunger games in the second book, it was kind of late to have a second one right in the middle of it.
Meaningful Quotes
"So it's you and a syringe against the Capitol? See, this is why no one lets you make the plans."
This quote really stood out for me because it reminded me of Max from the Maximum Ride series. Haymitch, Katniss's mentor, says this after Katniss comes out of the ER on the day they busted her out of the Hunger Game's arena. She woke up dazed and confused because she got electrocuted from a plan that went wrong. She thought Peeta, her partner, was hurt badly. So, she wanted to end his misery by stabbing him with the syringe. Haymitch comes out though, and stops her. This was important because this was the beginning started the rebellion in the Hunger Games. Peeta, Katniss's partner, does not make it out of the arena. Katniss is outraged because they saved her instead of Peeta.
"The bird, the pin, the song, the berries, the watch, the cracker, the dress that burst into flames. I am the mockingjay. The one that survived despite the Capitol's plans. The symbol of the rebellion."
This quote stood out because this basically says "The rebellion started because of me." This was such an important quote from Katniss because she finally accepts that she is the one and only symbol of the rebellion. When she mentions "The bird, the pin, the song, the berries, the watch, the cracler, the dress that burst into flames...." She did all those things. The bird she refers to is the Mockingjay. It was originally a Jabberjay that was used as a weapon for the Capitol, but it backfired. So, she let them out in the wild to die. However, their populations grew in size because they mated with the Mockingbird. This, was a symbol of something that survived through obstacles and is still standing alive. The pin she refers to is a mockingjay pin that she wore; this pin played a part in the rebellion by being the symbol for it. The song Katniss refers to is the song she sang to her friend that was killed at the Hunger Games. This was also a sign of defiance from her to the Capitol. The berries played a significant part of the rebellion. Peeta and Katniss were tricked into killing each other. They thought they both could win, but the Capitol dismissed it. The berries they picked were berries that would kill them. They were both about to take it when the Capitol immediately regretted what they did, and let them both win the Games. This stunt sparked the idea of the rebellion. The watch which she refers to is a actually the game arena for the second Hunger Games she was forced into. The cracker became important too because it had her face on it. Two women ran away from their district just to give this to her. It's a sign that they're joining the rebellion. Finally, the burning dress refers to Katniss's stylist Cinna. He was who Katniss trusted the most during the Games. As a sign that Cinna was part of the rebellion, he had made a wedding dress made for her. However, when Katniss and Peeta attempted to extinguish the flames of rebellion by saying that they just did that stunt because they were madly inlove with each other, her dress burned down into a mockingjay suit that Cinna made for her. Since the Capitol saw this as a defiance against them, Cinna was beaten and was killed.
Review/Rate part
Although I didn't really like this book a whole lot, it was still good. Not the best sequel to a book I've ever read, but it was okay. The only parts I really liked were the very last pages because I felt the characters stood out more in the end. They start to show what kind of person they really are. You discover their strengths, weaknesses, and personalities. All in all I would give this book a 2.5 out of 5. I would still recommend this book, mostly because it's plays a big part in the end of the series.
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Monday, October 11, 2010
Fredrick Douglass Chapter Summary
Fredrick Douglas: “My Bondage and My Freedom” Summary
Fredrick Douglass lived with his owner’s family for seven years in Baltimore. Fredrick was baffled because of his Mistress's sudden change in personality. Learning is the only thing Fredrick really wants to learn. When he does learn to read, he realized something shocking that changed him forever. He thought that she changed her mind about the importance of reading because she was trained to be mean or strict with her slaves. He could talk and laugh, but not read. She was so nice and kind. She didn’t have most of the qualities she should be having as a slaveholder. In fact, she’s supposed to be the opposite. Mrs. Auld gave money and food to the poor.She used to think that he should be treated as a regular person. Then, she started to more violent. One time she was so mad, she snatched the book from him and then scolded him. She then started to track everything that he did. If he stayed in a room for too long, they would think that he was reading. He got so desperate, he turned to help from his friends. They were good friends to him. Some wanted little to nothing in return. He wanted to mention their names in the book, but he doesn’t want to embarrass them in anyway. Back then, it was very shameful to have interacted with a slave. Fredrick talked about slavery freely with his friends. They too opposed the idea that he was a slave. His friends even said that he should be as free as they are. When he turned thirteen years old, Fredrick had succeeded in learning how to read. His knowledge increased, his perception on his environments have changed, his views have also changed. He finally realized that he was a slave-- for life. He had finally figured out everything he needs to know about slavery. Turns out, it was more of a pride thing. With each book that he bought, he gained more and more knowledge about slavery and how cruel and unfair it is. He has now been changed because of the sad, sad truth. He no longer was the light-hearted, happy-go-lucky, and playful little boy that he used to be. After realizing the truth, Fredrick was more sad, depressed, and miserable. He was mad at slavery, not just the things he observed that were related to it. Whenever he saw a colored man thinking that God has done this to them, it bothered him, infuriated even. It wasn’t God’s fault. It was whoever started slavery. Fredrick had no doubts that all this started because of the way his Mistress had changed. She was the reason that he grew up sad and remorseful. He didn’t tell her though. She tried to cheer him up, but he never changed. He thought they were more like deceivers and liars. But, he can’t blame her. If she was in the same position as him, she would have done the same things he had done.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Reading History Essay
Danica A.
Mr. Williams
My teachers were the first people to influence me to read. She gave me my first book in the 1st grade. My parents always read the daily paper that came at our front door. They would make me read the comics section when they were done. “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” was my favorite nursery rhyme and the story about Cinderella was my all- time favorite fairytale to read everyday when I was young.
For my Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade classes, I went to Al- Ain Juniors School which is located where I used to live in the Middle East. Then, I started from where I left off from the other school to Blackwood Elementary. The book Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’ Dell was one book that got me really into reading. My teacher Mrs. Derr in the 4th grade was really into books. She made us do our own reviews of the books we read, she made us keep a journals, and she made us do a page on a character’s viewpoint of the story.
I attended Ann A. Mullen Middle School. My favorite authors were Carolyn Keene (Mildred Benson) and Carolyn Coone for the 6th grade year. I then started to like Mary Higgins Clark a lot because she had a lot of twists and surprises in her books. I also started to read Erin Hunter’s books because of the action in them. In the 8th grade, I loved reading James Patterson because of the action and romance combined. Another one of my favorite authors was Rachelle Mead who made the Vampire Academy series. My favorite genres did change a little bit. I used to love reading mystery books, now I love to read Action/Romance books. The Uglies series were some of the best sci-fi books I have read. I’m not too fond of sci-fi, but these books were an exception.
I hope to read mystery books again. I read articles online about current events that have happened lately. I also read my “Wall” on my facebook constantly. I do consider myself a literate person because I loved to write stories and essays in middle school. I love to read books, magazines, and write stories about anything.
At this moment in time... my feelings are still the same about reading. I loved to read and will always be into it. I am currently reading Blood Promise by Rachelle Mead. I believe literacy is important because in order to get your opinions and ideas out, you need to be a literate person. Literacy is defined as :to read and write. It is very important that you know how to read. If you don’t know how to read, how do you expect to have knowledge? If you can’t write, you can’t express what you’re feeling, you can’t inform other people. Literacy has helped me in through the means of facebook. I would have never found my old friends or write back to them if i didn’t know how to read or write. It’s important to have connections. Literacy is like a tree because as you grow, the water that feeds the tree is the knowledge that you take in and helps you grow. As you learn how to write better, the tree will grow.
Mr. Williams
Reading History Essay
Literacy is a way of expressing your views to the world using your voice, books, in your writing, and through media. By asking questions, reading a book, or talking to someone, you are using literacy in your life. School is where I started to have literacy in mind. We would read books in our class since we were in kindergarten.
My teachers were the first people to influence me to read. She gave me my first book in the 1st grade. My parents always read the daily paper that came at our front door. They would make me read the comics section when they were done. “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” was my favorite nursery rhyme and the story about Cinderella was my all- time favorite fairytale to read everyday when I was young.
For my Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade classes, I went to Al- Ain Juniors School which is located where I used to live in the Middle East. Then, I started from where I left off from the other school to Blackwood Elementary. The book Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’ Dell was one book that got me really into reading. My teacher Mrs. Derr in the 4th grade was really into books. She made us do our own reviews of the books we read, she made us keep a journals, and she made us do a page on a character’s viewpoint of the story.
I attended Ann A. Mullen Middle School. My favorite authors were Carolyn Keene (Mildred Benson) and Carolyn Coone for the 6th grade year. I then started to like Mary Higgins Clark a lot because she had a lot of twists and surprises in her books. I also started to read Erin Hunter’s books because of the action in them. In the 8th grade, I loved reading James Patterson because of the action and romance combined. Another one of my favorite authors was Rachelle Mead who made the Vampire Academy series. My favorite genres did change a little bit. I used to love reading mystery books, now I love to read Action/Romance books. The Uglies series were some of the best sci-fi books I have read. I’m not too fond of sci-fi, but these books were an exception.
I hope to read mystery books again. I read articles online about current events that have happened lately. I also read my “Wall” on my facebook constantly. I do consider myself a literate person because I loved to write stories and essays in middle school. I love to read books, magazines, and write stories about anything.
At this moment in time... my feelings are still the same about reading. I loved to read and will always be into it. I am currently reading Blood Promise by Rachelle Mead. I believe literacy is important because in order to get your opinions and ideas out, you need to be a literate person. Literacy is defined as :to read and write. It is very important that you know how to read. If you don’t know how to read, how do you expect to have knowledge? If you can’t write, you can’t express what you’re feeling, you can’t inform other people. Literacy has helped me in through the means of facebook. I would have never found my old friends or write back to them if i didn’t know how to read or write. It’s important to have connections. Literacy is like a tree because as you grow, the water that feeds the tree is the knowledge that you take in and helps you grow. As you learn how to write better, the tree will grow.
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