My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Danica A.
English I
Mr. Williams
Book Review 3- Spirit Bound
I loved everything this book had. I loved the content, I loved the ending, I loved every little part in the story. It did not get me bored out of my mind, it gave me the romance that I craved for, and it always had a surprise waiting at every corner. It's like getting candy from Halloween; it just gets better and better. These are the reasons why I gave it a 5 out of 5 and the reason I would definitely recommend this book.
To begin with, the book was very entertaining and kept my mind occupied. It never bore me, which is always a plus when reading a book. The main character's personality kept things new and intersting. HEr comedic side of the story was always entertaining. In one part of the book, she said, "He has no right to threaten my boyfriends. I'm eighteen. An adult. I don't need his help. I can threaten my boyfriends myself." I love it when the main character always had some retort to say to anyone who annoyed her.
Secondly, the romance in this book was through the roof. It had multiple couples suffereing their break-ups, their make-ups, and the akward "just friends" phase they go through in the middle. The emotion behind the story was so powerful, I cried when they cried. I got angry when they got angry. And it always got me saying "Awhh! How sweet!" throughout the whole book. An example of when I cried in this book was when the main charcter's ex-boyfriend tells her, "I gave up on you. Love fades. Mine has." This was a very big milestone in the story because this was who the story was moslty about. And without this guy, there would be no story.
Lastly, Spirit Bound always had a surprise in every chapter. That's probably why I got through this whole book so fast. I must have read 10 chapters in a single- reading. When your ex-boyfriend's an evil vampire who hunts you down, when you and your best friend go on a quest to find a cure for "turning good" again, and when you get tried for a murder you never committed, these are the kinds of things that would make you go "Oh my gosh did that just happen?"
Spirit Bound was an awesome book that never got you bored, always had that mushy side for those of you that love that romance stuff, and it had so many suprising twists and turns throughout the novle. For these reasons, I gave this book a 5 out of 5 , and the reason I would definite recommend this book.
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