Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reading History Essay

Danica A.
Mr. Williams

Reading History Essay

Literacy is a way of expressing your views to the world using your voice, books, in your writing, and through media. By asking questions, reading a book, or talking to someone, you are using literacy in your life. School is where I started to have literacy in mind. We would read books in our class since we were in kindergarten.

    My teachers were the first people to influence me to read. She gave me my first book in the 1st grade. My parents always read the daily paper that came at our front door. They would make me read the comics section when they were done. “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” was my favorite nursery rhyme and the story about Cinderella was my all- time favorite fairytale to read everyday when I was young.

    For my Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and 3rd grade classes, I went to Al- Ain Juniors School which is located where I used to live in the Middle East. Then, I started from where I left off from the other school to Blackwood Elementary. The book Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’ Dell was one book that got me really into reading. My teacher Mrs. Derr in the 4th grade was really into books. She made us do our own reviews of the books we read, she made us keep a journals, and she made us do a page on a character’s viewpoint of the story.

    I attended Ann A. Mullen Middle School. My favorite authors were Carolyn Keene (Mildred Benson) and Carolyn Coone for the 6th grade year. I then started to like Mary Higgins Clark a lot because she had a lot of twists and surprises in her books. I also started to read Erin Hunter’s books because of the action in them. In the 8th grade, I loved reading James Patterson because of the action and romance combined. Another one of my favorite authors was Rachelle Mead who made the Vampire Academy series.  My favorite genres did change a little bit. I used to love reading mystery books, now I love to read Action/Romance books. The Uglies series were some of the best sci-fi books I have read. I’m not too fond of sci-fi, but these books were an exception.

    I hope to read mystery books again. I read articles online about current events that have happened lately. I also read my “Wall” on my facebook constantly. I do consider myself a literate person because I loved to write stories and essays in middle school. I love to read books, magazines, and write stories about anything.

    At this moment in time... my feelings are still the same about reading. I loved to read and will always be into it. I am currently reading Blood Promise by Rachelle Mead. I believe literacy is important because in order to get your opinions and ideas out, you need to be a literate person. Literacy is defined as :to read and write. It is very important that you know how to read. If you don’t know how to read, how do you expect to have knowledge? If you can’t write, you can’t express what you’re feeling, you can’t inform other people. Literacy has helped me in through the means of facebook. I would have never found my old friends or write back to them if i didn’t know how to read or write. It’s important to have connections. Literacy is like a tree because as you grow, the water that feeds the tree is the knowledge that you take in and helps you grow. As you learn how to write better, the tree will grow.



  2. Sorry mr. williams! I just saw this comment. I fixed it though!
