My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Danica A.
English I
Mr. Williams
Book Review 4- The Last Sacrifice
by Rachel Mead
In The Beginning
I nearly fainted because of how good the beginning was. It wasn’t dull or boring or too lame at all! It was the exact opposite. The beginning has the character stuck in jail when her father comes in to comfort her. Then, right from that point on there were multiple explosions and a prison breakout had started. Now that’s what I call a bombastic beginning. I immediately fell in love with the book.
In the Middle
If you thought that I thought the beginning was awesome, imagine what I thought about the middle. Exactly that. I believed it to be the most heart warming, hilarious, cute, and heart wrenching storyline I have ever read. One of the quotes that made my heart go all fuzzy was when Dimitri uttered these words to his beloved Rose Hathaway, “He shook his head, the smile rueful now. "’Because sometimes, a person can get so caught up in the details that they miss the whole. It's not just the dress or the hair. It's YOU. You're beautiful. So beautiful, it hurts me.’" (Mead 250) This happens while they’re hiding from the people that are trying to take them back to Court for being wanted fugitives. They are roommates in this little room in at a friend’s house in the woods. She gets dressed while he walks in to take a shower. He is taken aback by seeing her in a lovely dress. This was very important to the story because this is where Rose finally finds out that he has loved her all along and cannot resist the magnetic pull that’s pulling them to each other. He finally realizes this too. And at that moment that they both realize this, I was moved to tears because FINALLY he confesses this.
The End
The ending was spectacular. Even though I thought it was a little bit cliche, I absolutely loved it. I just thought the part where everyone is all happy and is together with the people they were always destined to be with was a little cliche. But, how it got to that ending was really amazing. It was so unexpected because they had all these puzzle pieces in the beginning and didn’t know what in the world they had to do. They didn’t know where to start, where it ended, who was doing this that cause whatever this is to effect that? Those kinds of questions. But somehow, they solved it in such a way that didn’t make me doubt how that actually happened. However, this quote basically sums it all up. "I opened my eyes and met his dark, earnest gaze. "’It's okay,’" I said. "’It's okay now. I'm here I'll always be here for you.’" Rose says this at then end when both her and Dimitri are assigned to be the guardians of her best friend and her boyfriend. Actually, it wasn’t cliche at all. Maybe a little.
I give this book a 5 out of 5. No doubt will I ever forget this book. The Last Sacrifice was written very well and was easy to follow unlike a lot of books I have read that had the same theme. It did not follow the traditional “vampire” theme that I thought it would. No extremely boring speeches about how vampire they were. No love dovey romance every single page of the book. No lame battles. I will definitely recommend this book to any girl out there with a passion for a good vampire romance book.
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Great review, Danica!
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