Friday, December 10, 2010


"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven to the soul." -Anonymus

I was absolutely stunned when I was reading this quote. I could tell because I think I might have stopped breathing as I was reading it the first time. I had to add words, phrases, and quotes into a prezi I made. So, I decided to look for inspiration on google. I typed in "Music quotes" This site popped up and had bunches and bunches of quotes. I picked the one that was the longest; and so I saw this wonderful quote and think I must have fallen in love with it. "Music speaks what cannot be expressed.." this means that music is a language all in itself. Figuratively and litterally, it is a language that you have to learn. It's litterally a language because it's a series of dots, lines, symbols, and random words in Italian. It all has to be in sync with the instrument you're playing which takes time and practice. Figuratively, music is a language because it be expressed and taken into perspective in so many ways by so many different people.

"...soothes the mind and gives it rest.." this means that music can be an escape from this crazy, messed up world that we're living in today. I know when I am so stressed from homework and school all day, I immediately go straight to my piano and start playing. I release everything into what I'm playing. All my emotions speak through what I play. It calms me. It comforts me. It tells me that I am still here and I have to get on with my life.

"...heals the heart and makes it whole..." this means that when you're suffering through a difficult time in your life, music can always make it a little better. When your boyfriend/girlfriend dumped you, go play your iPod. When your grandmom's in the hospital, go sing her a tune. It will not onyl heal your heart, but can heal others' hearts as well. Another aspect I found when I saw this part of the quote is when someone bad, like a thief or a murderer, listens to music, they might turn good. It's like all they really needed was this song to "speak" to them. It could have given them a change of heart. It could trigger all those happy memories that were somehow clouded in all this anger and revenge. Music could ultimately, "fix" someone's sad, lonely, messed up heart.

"...flows from heaven to the soul..." I believe this quote says that music is something wonderful that came from heaven and is given out to the earth, through someone's soul and passion for music. The melody of the music and the tones and pitches, when put together, make something as beautiful as if it came from heaven. Music does come from the soul. It comes out through all these different instruments and voices.

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